Saturday 13 September 2014

Thing #1: In the beginning...

I thought I'd try Blogger because I've used WordPress before (when I was putting together the Library Live and On Tour website/blog). I wanted to experience something new.

I've never considered personal blogging because I figure I don't have anything interesting to say (that others would want to read). So I'll just try this to begin participating in FVRL's 23MT.

Another reason I chose Blogger is because I already have a Google account. Anticipated problem: I don't use Google+ (I tried it when it was new, but didn't see the point....too many social sites to keep track of). I see that when the blog was generated, it automatically placed my Google+ account on it. I'm going to have to see if I can change that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Smitty. You're off to a great start! Please put your Thing number in the heading for each post. This will help me track your progress. (My fault -- I mentioned this in the FAQ, but I should also put it elsewhere in the instructions.) Thx! -Bryan
