Wednesday 15 October 2014

Thing #4: Will this really help me keep up?

I've used Flipboard for a number of years. I like it. I spent a lot of time loading it up with all the topics I'm interested in. I only look at it when I'm bored.

I'm not sure if that's because I just haven't developed the habit of opening it when I want my news...or if it's just too overwhelming (even aggregated). I understand that RSS readers are meant to "curate" us away from information overload, but I think it does just the opposite for me. Now I feel guilty if I don't look at all the stuff I've called into my feed. It's like I'll always be behind, never know all the things I want to know, and not understand half of the things that come to me anyway.

OK. Neurosis aside.

Since I've used Flipboard before, I thought I'd try Feedly for this THING. I've heard of Feedly for years. I know it was used as the backup plan for many who were devoted to the famous Google Reader. Gosh, some folks were rabid when Google Reader shut down. For many library folks I know, it was their umbilical cord to the world of information. I used it, but...well, I didn't really notice it was gone.

I guess I'm fighting with myself. I am very intrigued by new technologies. I might even describe myself as a 'gadget lover' (albeit a lightweight). And yet, I also like picking up the New York Times and getting ink on my fingers. I can't seem to let the width and breadth of the Internet wash over me like so many younger people. I feel it as a burden, instead. I feel like it's my job to know all I can. The volume of information available now--quite frankly--freaks me out. I guess I come from a world where most things can be tamed if just understood. Not so in the modern world...and it makes me feel old. And behind the 8 ball.

Well, I guess I added a bit more neurosis. Back to Feedly.

I've loaded it up on my phone. I've plugged in some blogs I know I like to keep up on. Discovered a few new ones based on my searches of "library", "librarian", etc. And there they are.

I'll try to remember that I put Feedly there. That I made an effort to be informed in my field. That, in order to do so, I need to actually read it. And if it becomes another guilt-inducing excercise, be it. I did my THING. And then I'll delete it.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Thing #22 : Games are Stupid

If you asked me outright, I'd quickly say that I am not a gamer. I think there may be 2 games on my computer at home...and they came with the computer. I tried Wii and XBox....I just never got into it. But then I got an iPad (it's gone now). Looking for all the cool things you could do with this new technology, I tried a number of games. Still...nothing stuck. Until: Angry Birds. (Cue dramatic space odyssey music.)

I loved Angry Birds...probably for a year or so. While I was under its spell, I loved challenging myself to do better. I loved learning new little tricks. I got SO frustrated when I was having a hard time getting that 3rd star. I didn't play it all the time...usually at night when it was quiet and I could just lose myself in the concentration.

And then I was just finished with it.

So now I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Nice big screen. I thought I'd put a couple of games on it...just in case I'm waiting for an appointment or something. I got a Mahjong game and, of course, solitaire (everyone has solitaire, right?). I found a couple of fun little games: Smash Hit (virtual reality pong-like thing) and Quiz Up (this is a really cool game).

Being the 'non-gaming snob' that I am, I have (quietly and secretly) always looked down my nose at those stupid farm games. You know the ones that randomly attack your Facebook account with messages like "Susie has offered you a pig"? Stupid stupid stupid

And then I found Hay Day. OMG. I have become one of them! I am presently dangerously addicted to this FREE game.This game is SO free that I've probably spent 40 or 50 dollars on in-app purchases. But, oh, it is so beautifully diverting.

You're given a small farm, some currency (coins and diamonds) and off you go to develop and run this farm. It is NOT instant gratification. You have to wait for things to grow or chickens to lay eggs. You have to save up resources to purchase a new animal or building. You have to keep it all balanced. And it is perpetual. It goes on and on and on.

It's probably dangerous that my family knows that if I go to 'milk my cows', I shouldn't be interupted. It's my time for me...totally absorbing...mind enormous waste of time. I just love it.

So, I'll probably get tired of it eventually (hopefully before I buy too many more diamonds) and will move on to something else. I'll find one silly thing that amuses me....and milk it for all it's worth (pun intended).

Until then, I'm not in the market for a new game, thank you. I have my cows and chickens and sheep and goats and cows (and 2 specially purchased dogs) to keep me entertained.